Product Review - New Premium Retractaway Knife
Since the new reflex blue premium Retractaway (with its reinforced stainless steel bayonet) took centre stage from its predecessor which was phased out in the early part of 2016, we contacted Brett T Green in Australia to ask if he would independently review the product for his followers.
Brett is the driving force behind Hyperscale which is an Aircraft and Armour webzine featuring frequently updated content and online discussion groups. Now in its 19th year it attracts on average over 9500 visitors per day so in the region of 3.5 million a year from all around the Globe.
Brett rediscovered modelling in 1989 and mainly builds 1/48 scale aircraft and 1/35 scale armour kits. He is also the editor of Model Military International Magazine, published by ADH Publishing and Missing-Lynx, a model military website.